RVF Resolution on Keeping Our Students and Staff Safe
(Approved by the RVF Executive Committee on July 31, 2020)
WHEREAS, the health and safety of our students and their educators are paramount to us during the current COVID-19 pandemic, literally a matter of life and death, and
WHEREAS, parents and educators have serious and legitimate concerns about reopening for in-school instruction this September, and
WHEREAS, we cannot allow our schools to become centers for spreading COVID-19 infection to our families and communities, and
WHEREAS, a second outbreak of COVID-19 is widely expected this fall, complicated by the flu season, and
WHEREAS, our school district’s plans for reopening with any in-school instruction, without the needed additional resources from our federal and state governments, cannot possibly ensure safety for our students and their educators, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we call on our school district to continue remote teaching and learning and postpone at school and in-person instruction, initially until the end of the first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year and then to be reviewed moving forward, and be it further
RESOLVED, that remote instruction be fortified with continued access to technology, virtual office hours, project-based learning, guided independent study and other research-based and proven strategies, and be it finally RESOLVED, that at school and in-person learning resume only when, according to medical science, it is safe to do so without jeopardizing the safety, health and lives of our students, their families and their educators.