Once again the RVF gathered for the semi-annual route 209 highway cleanup. The RVF adopted the strip
Main Content
A Union of Professionals
Committed to Our Schools, Committed to Our Community

Presidents Message-Opening Day 2020
Dear RVF, I'm not going to lie. We are definitely facing challenging times. A pandemic, an

RVF Executive Committee Passed Resolution
RVF Resolution on Keeping Our Students and Staff Safe (Approved by the RVF Executive Committee on

A Statement From the RVF
We are deeply saddened and heartbroken over the murder of George Floyd. Unfortunately, George
The Rondout Valley Federation of Teachers and School-Related Professionals (RVF) is an umbrella labor union of nearly 340 teachers, guidance counselors, school psychologists, service related professionals, paraprofessionals, secretaries, nurses, sr. crisis intervention counselors, social workers, and school to work transition specialists.
The Union Sound Issues
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